Monday, April 5, 2010

It's late...or early?

So it is 1:17 am and I can't sleep! I took a very long nap when we got home from my parents house today and that must've ruined my nite of sleep! Dave was also tossing and turning so I decided to come down and play on the computer for a while. It always amazes me though, as soon as I come downstairs, turn on the TV and settle in on the couch with Finch, I can't keep my eyes open anymore! Why can't I do that in my bed??

Anyway...we had a Dr's appt this past Friday. Our Dr was out on "baby leave" - his newest addition was born last Wednesday. We saw the physicians assistant, who I was used to seeing before I got pregnant anyway. I love her!! I was so hoping she would be able to deliver our baby, but I guess not. She was so informative and so sweet!! Dave said he learned more from her that visit than he has from our OB in all 3 visits!

I told her about my back problem - she gave me a diagram of a pregnant woman and showed me how the nerves wrap around the uterus and connect around your backside near your tail bone. Unfortunately! She gave me some more stretches, so I'm hoping if it doesn't completely go away, it will at least be tolerable. Friday was the first day I got out of bed with minimal pain and I wasn't scared to try to walk down our stairs!

She put the heart monitor on my belly - the first time she found the heart beat, it quickly went away. She said the baby was a movin'! And she said that was good! She found the heartbeat again and it stayed steady. It ranged between 135-147 and she said that was great! She said it showed great neurological development! Not long after we heard the heartbeat we heard another sound - to me it sounded like a lightning crash! She said the baby had hiccups! Dave & I thought that was SO neat!! We all laughed about it. She said once a baby gets hiccups it will continue to get them frequently, both before and after birth! And she said I'll probably start to feel them soon.

When she was finished she wanted me to schedule my next visit and also schedule our first ultrasound. She was TRYING to get us to schedule it for 3 weeks out, but Dave coerced her into 2 weeks out since that's what my OB had said to begin with! We've waited long enough!! I had blood drawn that day for the penta screening - tests done to show the odds of our baby having any chromosomal problems. I'm really not worried about it - I have faith that little Juicy will come out perfectly fine! Our ultrasound will be April 16 @ 2:15 - we can hardly wait!!

I've started reading the chapter in my book about 17-20 weeks - I'll write some things from there when my mind isn't falling asleep. Juicy got quite a few things for Easter! That was a sweet surprise! We got a Cardinals bib, a Cardinals bucket hat, some toys, a couple rubber duckies...

Well, I guess I'll try to get some sleep now since my eye lids are feeling heavy! Finch is sacked out on the floor next to me - looks good to me!

Good nite all!
~ Sara

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